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Логотип Державного комітету архівів УкраїниRequests of Citizens

Social-Legal Requests

Social-legal requests oriented to the social defense and provision of rights of the Ukrainian and foreign residents as well as residents without citizenship, both on the territory of Ukraine and outside it, and the satisfaction of the population interests regarding the access to the retrospective documentary information, occupy the first place in the state archives activity. According to the Law of Ukraine 'On National Archival Fond and Archival Institutions' (art. 35) they are provided on a free of charge basis. On the first-choice basis there are provided requests from the least socially undefended citizens as well as those which have special privileges: former imprisoned in ghettos and concentration camps, the repressed persons, Heroes of the Soviet Union, Heroes of Socialistic Work, Heroes of Ukraine, invalids and veterans of the Great Patriotic War 1941-1945, participants of the Chornobyl Accident Liquidation. The inquiries regarding confirmation or determination of the dates of birth, marriage or divorce, experience of work, salary, facts about residence and studies, treatment in medical establishments are also the social-legal requests. The provided archival certificates have the substantial value for surcharge of pensions, employment of Ukrainian citizens in Ukraine and abroad. Defense of interests and rights of the Ukrainian citizens is also realized by fulfillment of inquiries regarding confirmation of nationality and religious views (confessions). Lately because of the migration processes and increasing national self-consciousness of the Ukrainian citizens, the amount of these inquiries has been increased as well. During the last five years (2007-2011) archival institutions fulfilled about 2 million social-legal requests.

Information about place of preservation of documents of liquidated organizations and enterprises of Chornobyl and Pripyat which were evacuated in 1986.

Information about place of preservation of documents of liquidated or reorganized enterprises, institutions and organizations, which documents of personal staff are preserved in state archives, you can find at the archives web-sites.

Forms of Documents for Social-Legal Requests

List of Social-Legal Requests For Confirmation of Legal Rights and Interests of Citizens which are Provided by the State Archives On the Free of Charge Basis

  1. Registration of dates of birth, marriage and death.
  2. Education and studies.
  3. Awards of scientific degrees, appropriation of honoured ranks, qualification improvement.
  4. Experience of work and amount of salary.
  5. Participation in wars and the military conflicts.
  6. Wounds and medical treatment.
  7. Awards, title of honor.
  8. Pensions.
  9. Military service in a post-war period (UkrSSR, Ukraine).
  10. State of health and medical treatment.
  11. Creative work, the copyright and related rights on scientific and other works.
  12. Participation in the World War II, partizan and underground movements, the Resistance movement, the people's regimentation.
  13. Evacuation, stay on the occupied territory, in ghettos or other places of the forced maintenance; ostarbeiters, or eastern workers during the WWII.
  14. Repressions, deportations, dekulakization, imprisoning and disenfranchisment (including lost of vote rights and confiscation of property); further rehabilitation.

List of Requests Provided by the State Archives On Payment Basis

  1. Thematic.
  2. Genealogical.
  3. Confirmation of property rights on land and real property:
    • allotments for construstion of institutions, establishments, dwelling-houses, garages etc.
    • permission for reconstruction of existing buildings
    • permission for buildings exploitation
    • habitation allotments sale of houses with grounds attached copies of construction plans copies of proper decisions of executive committees.
  4. Confirmation of family ties for receipt of inheritance.
  5. Biographic.
  6. Factological.

Genealogical Requests

Genealogical requests of Ukrainian and foreign residents oriented to search of information about ancestors are one of the main directions of Ukrainian state archives activity. More than 2 thousand requests from people whose ancestors lived in Ukraine has been receiving every year. The largest percentage of such requests are received by the Central State Historical Archives of Ukraine in Kyiv and the Central State Historical Archives of Ukraine in Lviv where the unique archival documents are preserved, among them: metric books with vital records of XVII - beginning of XX century (of Orthodox, Greek-Catholic, Roman-Catholic, Evangelic, Judaic confessions), the so-called revisers’ (auditors’) tales of the end of XVIII - middle of XIX century, lists of confessions, censuses of population of the XIX-XX centuries, war documents, lists of house owners etc. Such kinds of records are also preserved in the majority of regional state archives.
Genealogical researches made by State Archives of Ukraine should be paid according to the price-list when applying to their address. The sum of a genealogical request depends on the complication of it and, thus, time for a research. It can fluctuate within the limits of 200-2000 hryvnas. When applying to the archives, it is very essential to point either locality, or the known facts of a biography and approximate years of research. So, pay attention not to forget to mention next information:

  • historical region of Ukraine, where your ancestors lived;
  • city, town, village or settlement name;
  • second name of a person (for women - a maiden name);
  • dates of birth, marriage, death;
  • a confession;
  • social and property status;
  • name of a requester, mail address (e-mail, if exists), contact telephone (fax).

Rapidness and effectiveness of your request implementation will depend on the plenitude and exactness of the given information.

Researchers who want to research their family tree, should contact central and regional archives according to the locality of their ancestors' place of birth, living, marriage or death. You can find contact information of Ukrainian archives at

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