Famine-Genocide in Ukraine, 1932-1933: Western Archives, Testimonies and New Research / Edited by Wsevolod W. Isajiw. - Toronto: Ukrainian Canadian Research and Documentation Centre, Toronto, 2003. - 212 c.

ISBN 0-921537-56-5

© 2003 Ukrainian Canadian Research and Documentation Centre


Introduction: Wsevolod W. Isajiw;

The Famine in Western Archives:

"German Diplomatic Reports on the Famine" by Orest Subtelny;

"Italian Archival Documents on the Ukrainian Famine" by Andrea Graziosi;

"The 1932-33 Famine in the British Government Archives" By Jaroslaw V. Koshiw;

The Famine Witnesses:

"The Famine Witnesses: Oral Histories in North America" by Iroida Wynnytsky and Wsevolod W. Isajiw;

"A Blanket of Silence: The Response of the Western Press Corps in Moscow to the Ukraine Famine in 1932-1933" by Susan J. Taylor;

"Famine, International Law and Human Rights: A Statement on the 1990 Report of the International Commission of Inquiry Into the 1932-1933 Famine in Ukraine" by John P. Humphrey;

Famine Initiators and Directors: Personal Papers:

"The 1932-33 Ukrainian Terror: New Documentation on Surveillance and the Thought Process of Stalin" by Terry Martin;

Testimonies from Kyiv:

"To Return to People Their History and to History the Truth" by Volodymyr Maniak;

"Spiritual Ruin: On the Question of Consequences of 1932-1933 Famine in Ukraine" by Lydia Kovalenko;

The Other Famines:

"The Origin of the Ukrainian Famine of 1921-23 in the Light of Recent Research" by Roman Serbyn;

"The 1946-47 Famine in Ukraine: A Comment on the Archives of the Underground" by Peter J. Potichnyj;

Famine Bibliography:

"Famine 1932-1933: Selected Bibliography" by Olya Pavlyshyn.

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