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Літопис УПА: Боротьба проти УПА і націоналістичного підпілля. Інформаційні документи ЦК КП(б)У, обкомів партії, НКВС-МВС, МДБ-КДБ 1943-1959. Книга друга: 1946-1947 /
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У книзі зібрані документи з історії боротьби сталінського режиму проти українського національно-визвольного руху протягом 1943-1945 pp. Усі подані матеріали мають інформаційно-звітний характер і зберігаються у фондах Центрального державного архіву громадських об'єднань України (колишнього Архіву ЦК Компартії України). До збірника увійшли документи апарату Центрального Комітету Комуністичної партії (більшовиків) України, обкомів партії, силових органів (НКВС, НКДБ).
The book contains documents depicting the history of the struggle of the Stalinist regime against the Ukrainian national-liberation movement in the years 1943-1945. All materials are reports of informational character that are located in the Central State Archive of Social Organizations of Ukraine (formerly the Archive of the CC of the Communist Party of Ukraine). The volume contains documents of the apparatus of the Central Committee of the Communist Party (Bolsheviks) of Ukraine, oblast party committees, and the organs of the People's Commissariat of Internal Affairs (NKVD) and the People's Commissariat of State Security (NKGB).
The first chapter contains fifty-eight documents dated 1946 and one document dated 1947, in addition to a report by the L'viv oblast party committee on the work completed during the period of October-December 1946. All the documents relate to the history of the Stalinist regime's struggle against the Ukrainian national-liberation resistance movement.
The main group of documents consists of information compiled by oblast party committees in the western oblasts of Ukraine, together with reports on the implementation of resolutions of the Central Committee of the CP(b)U,1 the course of the struggle against UPA formations, and the unmasking of the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists. These documents are numbered 4, 12, 14, 15, 21. 22, 24, 31, 35. 37, 40, 41, 43. 45, 47, 50, 51, 55, 56, and 59. Two documents in particular stand out among the documents sent by oblast party committees to the Central Committee of the CP(b)U. These are reports by the Ternopil' (no. 49) and Chernivtsi (no. 53) oblast party committees on the course of implementing the order of the MVD USSR of 10 November 1946 concerning an amnesty for participants of the Ukrainian nationalist movement. The course of conducting the elections to the Supreme Soviet of the USSR on the territory of the western Ukrainian oblasts in early 1946 and the concomitant activation of the struggle against the Ukrainian resistance movement are confirmed by helpful hints issued by the army command of Prykarpattia Military District concerning the armies' tasks during the course of the elections (no. 1), two reports prepared by the Stanyslaviv oblast party committee, dated 15 January 1946 (no. 2) and 24 February 1946 (no. 7). as well as information gathered by the political directorate of Prykarpattia Military District on the results of combat actions against UPA formations during the course of the elections (no. 28).
The deportation of families of OUN-UPA members and so-called "sympathizers" to distant regions of the USSR, a tragic event in the history of Ukraine, deserves special mention. In this connection the collection includes a memorandum dated 6 February 1946, issued by the L'viv oblast party committee (no. 5). A number of other documents included in this chapter also shed light on this question.
The second largest group of materials presented in this chapter consists of various types of notices, information, and memoranda that were issued by departments of the Central Committee of the CP(b)U concerning the course of the struggle against the Ukrainian national-liberation movement and the situation that emerged in the western Ukrainian oblasts in connection with this. Included here is an announcement of the department responsible for the work of the western, Izmail, and Zakarpattia oblasts (nos. 11, 13, 18. 19, 26. 30, 38. 48, 52, 58). Particularly noteworthy is a table included in information compiled by the department responsible for the results of the struggle in the western oblasts during the fourth quarter of 1946 (no. 57).
The Organizational-Instructional Department of the Central Committee of the CP(b)U regularly prepared analytical information. This is represented in the volume by documents nos. 9 and 10, which describe the measures applied by oblast party committees to intensify the struggle against the Ukrainian nationalists in the western oblasts. The 19 November 1946 issue of this department's Information Bulletin contains data on the implementation of an amnesty and the reactions to it on the part of the local population (no. 46). Another issue of this bulletin announces the uncovering of a nationalist youth organization in Railway School No. 2 in the city of L'viv (no. 29). The unmasking of another youth organization in L'viv and the sentencing of its members are discussed in the information compiled by the L'viv oblast party committee (no. 25).
The chapter also includes a notice with information prepared by the Directorate of Propaganda and Agitation of the Central Committee of the CP(b)U, which confirms the course of launching and carrying out an ideological struggle in the region (no. 42).
Announcements concerning numerous violations of Soviet legality and abuses by representatives of Soviet rule occupy an important place among the documents included in the first chapter of this collection. These include information from the state justice advisor, dated 7 February 1946 (no. 6); a special announcement from the procurator's office of L'viv oblast of 20 March 1946 (no. 8); a notice of 16 May 1946 prepared by the department responsible for the work of the western, Izmail, and Zakarpattia oblasts (no. 17); information from the General Procurator's Office of the USSR, sent to Lavrentii Beria on 6 September 1946 (no. 36); a review of the work of military procurators within the MVD forces for the period of August-November 1946 (no. 54); and information compiled by the L'viv oblast party committee about numerous violations of legality on the territory of this oblast (nos. 32. 59).
Finally, worth singling out are documents sent by the Ministry of Internal Affairs to the Central Committee of the CP(b)U. These include information issued on 15 May 1946 by the MVD's Transport Department of the Kovel' Railway concerning OUN infiltration of railway transport establishments and Search-and-Destroy battalions (no. 16); memoranda of the MVD USSR's Directorate for the Struggle against Banditism, including announcements of the results of ministry activity during the first quarter of 1946 (no. 27) and October 1946 (no. 44); and a plan for conducting a struggle against Ukrainian insurgents in Rivne oblast for November 1946 (no. 39).
1 The majority of the resolutions of the Central Committee of the CP(b)U were published in vol. 3 of Litopys UPA. Nova seriia
The second chapter opens with information of the MVD USSR concerning the course of the struggle against the Ukrainian national-liberation movement during the preparations for holding the elections to the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, which took place in early 1947. In particular, this document cites data on the numbers of insurgents killed and arrested in the last third of January 1947 and includes an index of names of the OUN and the UPA leaders. The activation of the struggle against the Ukrainian resistance movement during the elections is also the subject of reports of the Stanyslaviv (nos. 61, 62. 66) and L'viv (no. 63) oblast party committees. An extensive, detailed report of the Stanyslaviv oblast party committee on the struggle against the Ukrainian nationalists in this oblast during 1946 deserves to be singled out from other report-type documents that the western oblast party committees sent to the Central Committee of the CP(b)U. In general, oblast party committee reports comprise the largest group of documents (nos. 67, 68, 71, 73, 75, 77, 82, 84, 85, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 94, 103, 106, 108, 109, 110, 112). These documents reveal various aspects of the organization and course of the struggle against the Ukrainian resistance movement-military resistance, the development of an anti-nationalist ideology, and the deportation of the local civilian population. This chapter also includes several reports prepared by oblast party committees on the course of deportations that were carried out in the oblasts (nos. 98, 99, 100, 101, 105).
Special announcements of the Kyiv (nos. 86. 96. 102, 107) and Kirovohrad (no. 95) obtast party committees on the discovery of UPA formations and the OUN underground on the territory of these oblasts deserve particular mention.
The chapter also includes two items of information prepared by the L'viv oblast party committee concerning the discovery of underground "organizations of fighters for Ukraine's freedom" in the city of L'viv (no. 64) and nationalist youth organizations in high schools in L'viv and the village of Selets (no. 81). The Transport Department of the MGB of the L'viv Railway (no. 79) provides information on the liquidation of another nationalist youth organization in another L'viv high school.
The second largest group of documents is comprised of announcements of the department of the Central Committee of the CP(b)U responsible for the work of the western, Izmail, and Zakarpattia oblasts. These are notices about the state of the struggle against the Ukrainian insurgents (nos. 65, 691, 70, 72, 76, 83) and two memoranda written by D. S. Korotchenko concerning attacks by Ukrainian nationalists on forestry enterprises (nos. 80. 97). This is the subject of a memorandum written by the head of the Donbasshakhtolis Trust on attacks by the nationalists on the forestry enterprises belonging to this trust (no. 78). The chapter also includes three information items on the course of the struggle against the Ukrainian nationalists (nos. 93, 104, 113), which were compiled by the directorate of the Central Committee of the CP(b)U responsible for the verification of cadres.
1 A table with statistical data by oblast.
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