Archival Judaica in Ukraine: Preliminary List of Guides and Surveys

Arkhivna Iudaika Rossii, Ukrainy i Belorussii: Materialy dlia ukazatelia literatury
/ Sost. E.I.Melamed. Pod red. D.A.Iliashevicha. Peterburgskii institut iudaiki. – SPb., 2001. – 104 s.
Archival Judaica of Russia, Ukraine, and Belorussia: Preliminary List of Literature
/ Compiled by Efim I. Melamed.
Edited by Dmitry A. Elyashevich. Saint Petersburg Institute of Jewish Studies. - SPb., 2001. - 104 pp.

From the Contents:
3. Ukraina.
3.1. Putevoditeli, obzory i analiticheskiie stat'i. – S. 43-58

ISBN 5-93936-004-1

© Efim I.Melamed, 2001
© Peterburgskii institut iudaiki, 2001

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This is the first attempt to bring together all the information published in the last ten years (1989-1999) about the Jewish archives and collections from the territory of Russia, Ukraine and Belarus, where once was concentrated a considerable part of the Jewish population of the Russian Empire. The index contains more than 300 annotated entries concerning different types of the state archives (central and regional as well as respective libraries and museums). Hence, it covers a gap, recording material previously mostly inaccessible to researchers, including information that appeared alongside with declassifying of Jewish fonds and abolition of the virtual taboo on the research on Jewish subjects. The index includes surveys devoted to separate archival repositories, fonds and collections (much attention, in particular, is given to the information pertaining to Russian-Jewish genealogy and records from the archives of the former Soviet and Party establishments) and, no less important, to publications of the documents themselves, in separate editions and periodicals on the territory of the CIS and abroad. Accordingly, it shows in addition what has been assimilated from the huge mass of sources on Jewish history and culture, and how (when and in which way) the process of their assimilation has occurred.


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